Make a Difference

Day: November 22, 2009

Sarah Palin Is An Idiot – Not

Look up ‘Sarah Palin is an idiot’ in Google and you’ll get 26,200,000 results.

She’s an idiot I would be proud to have as a friend.

‘George Bush is an idiot’ used to be the standard left-wing joke.

‘George Bush is an idiot.’ Ha, ha, ha. Then five minutes later ‘George Bush is an idiot.’ Ha, ha, ha, as if they had never heard this before, and it was so, you know, hilarious.

I guess it made it easier to avoid talking about policies and stuff.

It looks like ‘Sarah Palin is an idiot’ is the new left-wing joke de jour. Or joke de year.

But calling Palin an idiot won’t alter the fact that she is vastly more qualified to be president than the present incumbent.

In the video below Newt Gingrich responds to a derogatory comment about Sarah Palin’s resume by MSNBC interviewer Ron Allen.

‘It’s stronger than Barack Obama’s. I don’t know why you guys walk around saying this baloney. She has a stronger resume than Obama. She’s been a real mayor, he hasn’t. She has been a real governor, he hasn’t. She’s been in charge of the Alaskan National Guard, he hasn’t. She was a whistleblower who defeated an incumbent mayor. He has never once shown that kind of courage. She’s a whistleblower who turned in the chairman of her own party and got him fined $12,000. I’ve never seen Obama do one thing like that. She took on the incumbent governor of her own party and beat him, and then she beat a former Democratic governor in the general election. I don’t know of a single thing Obama’s done except talk and write.’

Then Gingrich asks Allen:

‘I’d like you to tell me one thing Sen. Obama’s done.’

No response. Allen clearly can’t think of anything, because Gingrich is right.

That hasn’t changed.

Backseat Bonking Backfires

Well, it was either that or ‘Big Banana Bonks Barmaid.’

I am no fan of Mike Rann. His is a government that has achieved very little at great expense.

But I am less than impressed by suggestions his term as Premier should be brought to an end by revelations about his relationship with parliament house waitress and barmaid Michelle Chantelois.

Rann and Chantelois had been friends for some before the relationship became sexual. He has been consistently polite and supportive in his comments about her, describing her as a ‘terrific person, great mother, and … a friend.’

It seems likely the relationship was sexual in nature, although at this stage there is only Ms Chantelois’ word for that – and she has apparently been paid $200,000 to say so.

It used to be the case that not commenting about one’s sexual exploits was considered a good thing. I am not sure why Rann’s unwillingness to comment about or confirm the nature of his relationship with Chantelois is being painted as something negative.

As far as I can see, if her claims are true, he and she had a long standing friendship which became a sexual relationship. She was married, he was not.

Both are adults. Both behaved badly. Despite her present complaints, there is no reason to believe her claims that she was simply his puppet.

The affair stopped before Rann married in 2006. Rann claims his wife knows about the relationship.

This is a matter for Rann, Chantelois and their spouses.

I hope the Labor government in SA comes to an end. The sooner the better for the people of South Australia

But the hapless State Liberal Party will be making another major bungle if they try force Rann out on the basis of his relationship with Chantelois.

There is no electoral ground to be made in sleazy accusations which have nothing to do with political performance.

There is plenty of electoral ground to be made in positive leadership and in policies which are clearly differentiated from those of Labor.

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